Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to: Create a task adder in Silverlight application

Hi all,

In Mike Morton's interview,he showed a task adder via creating Silverlight application. I developed the same task adder and you can follow my previous post. (Create a Silverlight application in SharePoint 2010 as WSP solution). Just recap: 

  • Create a Silverlight application and add references to Silverlight client's dll. 
  • Write the task adder code. 
  • Create a SharePoint 2010, add Silverlight's task adder project. 
  • Add Module, Project Output References and deploy the solution.

Step1: Create a Silverlight application using VS2010. 

Step2: On MainPage.xaml, add label, textbox, calendar and button

Step3: Double click on "Add Task" button and add followed code shown below. 

Step4: Follow my previous blog and deploy the solution. 

Step5: Go to SharePoint 2010 site >> Edit >> Insert >> Web Part >> Under categories, choose "Media and Content" >> Silverlight Web Part >>  Add >> Navigate to the XAP file which is under Videos, fill in the URL property: click OK button and our web part has been created.

Step6:  In "Task Description", enter the details, choose the task date via Calendar and hit the "Add Task" button. We will will get alert. 

Step7: Navigate to the task list. We will get a new task added which we created using VS2010. 



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