Monday, January 26, 2009

CAML and DateTime issues and the solution.

Hi Friends,

During one of my projects, I had to work on SPQuery objects, SPList, SPListItemCollection, CAML and date time formats. Let me introduce me business case:

Business case:
Its for the team calendar. If a team member apply for vacations and public holiday falls during his/her vacations then system should deduct that number of public holidays.

1) there is no straight forward method for filtering date time functions.
2) SharePoint includes date and time parts. But my case just needs date and not time.

My Solution:
I created a function called as GetBankHolidays with 3 parameters:
1) Start Date for team member (date1)
2) End date for team member (i.e. End date - Start date = total number of days for his vacation) (date2)
3) SPItemEventProperties

4) Firstly, get date range for SPQuery.
It can easily defined like this:

Start date of team member
End date of team member

>> query.Query = "<Where><And><Geq><FieldRef Name='Day' /><Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>" + date1 + " </Value></Geq><Leq><FieldRef Name='Day' /><Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>" + date2 + "</Value></Leq></And></Where>";

5) Secondly, we need to use SharePoint function. But we need to include one more namespace: using Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;
SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(date1) and

>> query.Query = String.Format("<Where><And><Geq><FieldRef Name='Day' /><Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>{0}</Value></Geq><Leq><FieldRef Name='Day' /><Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>{1}</Value></Leq></And></Where>", SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(date1), SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(date2));

6) Thirdly, we also need to ignore the time part. This can be done by "IncludeTimeValue" attribute.

>> query.Query = String.Format("<Where><And><Geq><FieldRef Name='Day' /><Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>{0}</Value></Geq><Leq><FieldRef Name='Day' /><Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>{1}</Value></Leq></And></Where>", SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(date1), SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(date2));

The final function be obtained by GetBankHolidays.

/// <summary>

/// Computes no. of bank holidays during user's vacation and return an INT ( = number of bank holidays)

/// </summary>

/// <param name="date1"></param>

/// <param name="date2"></param>

/// <returns></returns>

public static int GetBankHolidays(DateTime date1, DateTime date2, SPItemEventProperties properties)

using (SPWeb web = properties.OpenWeb())
// counter for bank holidays

int count = 0;

SPListItemCollection items = null;
SPList holidaysList = web.Lists["Bank Holidays"];

SPQuery query = new SPQuery();

query.Query = String.Format("<Where><And><Geq><FieldRef Name='Day' /><Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>{0}</Value></Geq><Leq><FieldRef Name='Day' /><Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>{1}</Value></Leq></And></Where>", SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(date1), SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(date2));

while (date1.Date <= date2.Date)

items = holidaysList.GetItems(query);

foreach (SPListItem item in items)
if (Convert.ToDateTime(date1.Date) == Convert.ToDateTime(item["Day"]))
date1 = date1.AddDays(1);


return count;


Happy programming!


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